To take a casserole, to fill it of water and behavior to boil. To add 1/4 of teaspoon of salt and the grains of wheat. To let boil the grains for around 45 minutes. In the meantime to cut the leeks to slices of 1 centimeter. To rinse them, to drain them and to put back them. When it will miss about 10 minutes to end of the cooking of the wheat, to put 2 teaspoons of oil in a frying pan. When the oil will be warm to add the meat and the thyme and to cook, constantly mixing, for 2 minutes. To remove the meat from the frying pan, to put it in a tureen and to put again the frying pan on the fire with the leeks or the cipollotti and the the radishes. To cook for 3 minutes. To this point to also put in the frying pan the meat, the wheat, the salt and to dust with the pepper. To cook for 1 minute. To take a course dish and to put everything. To let dry the liquid from the frying pan putting it again on the fire up to that it doesn't become 4-5 spoons. To this point to pour the sauce in the salad, to mix well and to serve.