To take a bowl and to put the lamb. To mince in the mincer, garlic, cumin, the chillis, curcusma, ginger, greek hay. At the end to add the leaves of mint. To add the juice of lemon and the yogurt and to realize a cream. To sprinkle the meat with the cream and to unite the starry anise mixing continually. The lamb must be marinated for at least 4-6 hours. To turn it some times. To put the grill to the maximum. After having put back marinates, to insert the skewers in a cube of meat and one of pineapple. To set down the skewers on a grate and to cook under the grill for 10-15 minutes. During the cooking bathe with marinates and often turn the skewers. Once cooked to check that they maintain a light pink color to the center.